Sunday, November 26, 2017

"Trump Raped Me When I was Thirteen". One of Trump's Victims Speaks Out

During the campaign America's dumbest President referred to his supporters as stupid and  uneducated.
"If I shot innocent people on Park Avenue I wouldn't lose any supporters." he crowed.
Perhaps he was preparing them for the relevations, from 16 credible victims, of his long history of sexual assault and pedophilia.
While the bewildered world looks at this disgraceful deviant backing sexual predator and pedophile Roy Moore for Senator, his supporters say, "I don't care he be a rapist,
an' I don't think he stupid". Right.
As we predicted, trump got the nutcase vote, all 30 million of them.
And although he took a fearful beating from Hillary, losing by almost four million votes, the Electoral College did their part in this disgraceful situation and over rode the majority of Americans by appointing the loser of the vote as president.

 Just another day in the life of the Pedophile President.

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